A list of commands that can be used for my Twitch channel chat.
Command | Aliases | Description |
!acmessage | !acnhmessage | Reminder of use of channel points on on-screen message displays during Animal Crossing: New Horizons. |
!build | !specs | Specs of the given keyboard (or other project) being built. |
!cassette | !cassettes !tape !tapedeck !nakamichi | Acknowledgement of the presence of a non-working tape deck. |
!category [name] | !game | Changes the stream category / game (mods only). |
!charity | !support !donate | Link to donation page for San Francisco-Marin Food Bank. |
!chrissucks | !rekt (many others) | Acknowledgement of poor gameplay or stream content quality. This is scored on a leaderboard that is displayed on the ticker overlay. Rank can be checked with !rank . Many slight misspelling variants to allow for spammabillity. |
!collection | !keyboards !boards | Link to personal collection of keyboards, keysets, and switches. |
!commands | Link to this page. | |
!controls | !sensitivity !sens !motion | Splatoon 2 control settings. |
!devices | List of names of devices associated with the account that plays music. | |
!discord | Invitation link to Discord. | |
!dk | !dk750ti !donkeykong | Link to source of dk750ti emote. |
!fc | Nintendo Switch friend code. | |
!film | Link to film development / scanning service form. | |
!followage | Followage of this channel. | |
!gear | !camera !cameras !cam !cams !facecam !microphone !mic !lavmic !microphones !mics !lighting !audio !soldering !desoldering !joycon !scanning | Link to list of gear. |
!github | !git | Link to personal GitHub account. |
!giveaway | !giveaways | Description of any giveaways being held in the current stream. |
!hype | Acknowledgement of high-quality gameplay or stream content. | |
!instagram | Link to personal Instagram. | |
!keeb | Disapproval of use of term. | |
!keyboard | !board | Keyboard currently being used (not necessarily the one being built on the current stream). |
!keysets | Link to personal collection of keysets. | |
!unused | Link to personal collection of keysets with the unused sets on top. | |
!lurk | Acknowledgement of channel viewer not active in chat. | |
!merch | !store | Link to merchandise store. |
!pc | Specs of primary workhorse PC. | |
!plates | !plate | Link to plate files I've used. |
!raid1 | Raid message for subscribers. | |
!raid2 | Raid message for non-subscribers. | |
!rank | Individual user's all-time rank on the !chrissucks leaderboard. | |
!so [user] | Acknowledgement of Twitch user. | |
!socials | Link to Linktree for personal social media presence. | |
!song | Stream song currently playing. | |
!streampc | Specs of secondary / streaming PC. | |
!subathon | Subathon details, if there is a current or upcoming subathon. | |
!subhype | Acknowledgement of rising number of channel subscriptions. | |
!switches | Link to personal collection of switches. | |
!ready | !readytouse | Link to personal collection of switches, with the sets that are ready to use at the top. |
!tune | !tunable | Link to personal collection of switches, with the sets that are ready to tune at the top. |
!title [msg] | Changes the stream title (mods only). | |
!twitter | Link to personal Twitter. | |
!uptime | !up !updog !uptown (many others) | Stream uptime. Many variants starting with the "up" prefix. More useful in mobile than on desktop, ever since desktop Twitch began displaying the running stream time underneath the player. |
!vinyl | !records !discogs | Link to discogs page with reminder of use of channel points on randomized or selected vinyl record plays. |
!vods | !vod | Link to YouTube channel for VODs. |
!warugaki | !waru !deez | Link to warugaki sponsor website. |
!website | !site | Link to this personal website. |
!youtube | !yt | Link to most recently published YouTube type test video. |